
Chapter One

1. Which of the five characters introduced in Chapter One do you think will be the main characters in this novel?
2. What connection does Tatsea make as she peers at Ikotsali through the peephole?
3. Using the evidence in the opening chapter, describe the setting (the time and place) of this novel.
4. Using the evidence in this opening chapter, what are the relationships between the characters?


Chapter Two

1. The story of the boy turning into a frog is retold in Chapter Two. How is the retelling different from the original telling? Does the retelling help or hinder the story?
2. In your own words describe how the Dogrib Handgame is played.
3. Using evidence from Chapters One and Two, describe Ikotsali’s character.


Chapter Three

1. What incidents happen in this chapter that suggest that the story will move in a new direction?



Chapter Four

1. Discuss the author’s use of details to draw the reader into the realities of Tatsea and Ikotsali’s world.



Chapter Five

1. Discuss Tatsea’s question, “What kind of man was Ikotsali that he would think of such a thing?”
2. Using evidence from Chapter Five, describe Tatsea and Ikotsali’s relationship.
3. Describe infant care in this setting.



Chapter Six

1. Are the events of Chapter Six convincing to the reader? Why or why not? Support your answer with evidence from the chapter.
2. By the end of the chapter how has Tatsea’s world changed?



Chapter Seven

1. Using evidence from Chapter Seven, describe Ikotsali’s character.



Chapter Eight

1. Are Tatsea’s actions in this chapter true to her character as it has been developed to this point in the novel? Support your answer with evidence from the novel.



Chapter Nine

1. Are Ikotsali’s actions true to his character as it has been developed to this point in the novel? Support your answer with evidence from the novel.



Chapter Ten

1. Discuss the use of details in this chapter to convey Tatsea’s experience to the reader.



Chapter 11

1. What details in the novel so far support Ikotsali’s humorous thought that he is turning into a woman?
2. Discuss the changes in mood that occur in this chapter.



Chapter 12

1. Using evidence from Chapters Ten and Twelve discuss why Blueleg has taken Tatsea captive rather than killing her.



Chapter 13

1. Discuss how the burial practices shown in this chapter might fit in with the lifestyle of the Dogrib people in that time and place.



Chapter 14

1. “What kind of man was this who protected her like a wife, made her work like a wife, but never touched her like a wife?” Discuss possible reasons for Blueleg’s behaviour.



Chapter 15

1. Discuss the effect of this chapter on the forward movement of the novel.



Chapter 16

1. Discuss the use of language in this chapter to maintain Tatsea’s point of view.



Chapter 17

1. Discuss the spiritual connections between Ikotsali, Tatsea, and the baby as revealed up to this point in the novel.



Chapter 18

1. Using evidence from this chapter and previous chapters discuss why the shape of the piece of water would be so startling to Tatsea.



Chapters 19 and 20

1. In the context of the novel, is the episode with the bushman convincing. Discuss using supporting evidence.



Chapter 21

1. Discuss the effectiveness of the use of the mirror in this chapter.
2. What purpose does the dog’s visit serve in the novel?
3. Is the attitude of the women toward Tatsea believable?



Chapter 22

1. Discuss the simlilarities and differences between Ikotsali’s stories and his dreams.



Chapter 23

1. Discuss how the events of this chapter move the story forward.



Chapter 24

1. Discuss how Ikotsali’s remembering of the Creation story helps him to decide to travel in search of Tatsea.



Chapter 25

1. Using details from the chapter, discuss the credibility of Tatsea’s decision to follow her people’s hair rather than turn back to find of her baby.
2. Discuss Fox Face and Ghost Face’s attitude toward Tatsea.



Chapter 27
1. Tatsea encounters many things for the first time in this chapter. Discuss the credibilty of her reactions to the things she sees.



Chapters 26 and 28

1. Discuss how Ikotsali is able to survive his fall through the ice.



Chapter 29

1. Discuss why Tatsea is willing to trust the words of the first wife.
2. What new attitude does Muskox Face introduce into the novel.



Chapter 31

1. Discuss the credibility of Tatsea’s reaction to the trading ritual.
2. Justify Tatsea’s feeling that despite her brusies the first wife knows how to survive.



Chapter 32

1. This chapter shows the third time Ikotsali uses power. Compare and contrast Ikotsali’s use of power in this chapter to the way he used it early in the novel.



Chapter 33
1. Discuss the events in this chapter in terms of their importance to the novel.




Chapter 34
1. Discuss the significance of Tatsea’s reaction to McKay’s comment, “Those Enda people see spirits behind every tree.”

