1. Who is more convincing as a character, Tatsea or Ikotsali?
2. What modern drug has medicinal properities similar to those of the
inner bark of the red willow?
3. Who is the more “spiritual” character, Tatsea or Ikotsali?
4. Many novels with young aboriginal women as protagonists portray their
struggles to be allowed to engage in male activities. What part do shifts
in gender roles play in this novel?
5. Why doesn’t Ikotsali use his power more frequently? Is the
portrayal of Ikotsali’s “medicine power” in the novel
6. What motive might Blueleg have had to protect Tatsea from Redcoat
and the boy?
7. What change to their relationship with the land and the wildlife
are Tatsea and Ikotsali resisting?
8. What keeps Ikotsali going on what frequently seems to be a hopeless
9. Is there any humour in this novel?
10. Why are the numerous hunting scenes important for this novel?
11. Why does Tatsea decide to follow her captors after the first wife
cuts her loose from the tree?
12. Would you say that the use of Dogrib words hinders or enhances the
experience of reading this novel?
13. How does the theme of reflection or mirrors
operate in the novel?
14. What is the relationship between Tatsea and Ikotsali and animals?