Tatsea by Armin Wiebe is a young protagonist novel that has been enjoyed by
readers as young as twelve and adults as varied as former CKY sportscaster
Steve Vogelsang and horror novelist Susie Moloney.
Tatsea Reading Guide Questions
The reading guide questions are meant to serve as starting points rather
than as comprehensive lessons. Teachers should adapt and modify questions
to suit their students’ needs. The Reading Check questions could
be used for pop quizzes or independent study, while the Thinking About
The Novel question may be useful for chapter-by-chapter class discussions
and short assignments. The Essay questions deal with the entire novel.
Also included are Creative Writing opportunities and a selected list of
internet sites relating to the Dogrib people.

Teacher Resource Manual For the Novel Tatsea
This manual was prepared by teachers from the Tlicho Community Services
Agency and Yellowknife Catholic Schools with assistance by Armin Wiebe.

Mr. Wiebe:
I am pleased
to report that my English Language Arts 20-2 class recently completed
a study of Tatsea. It was, without question, the most successful
novel choice I have made during my teaching career.
My class
is diverse in skills and interests but Tatsea managed to appeal
to all. My students come from Wrigley, Fort Simpson, Nahanni Butte, Jean
Marie River and Fort Liard and your novel allowed them to examine their
own histories and traditions. No small feat in the average novel for young
* * *
you again for your excellent work. I look forward to having the chance
to teach with it again!
Simpson School